
September intake

The Governors aim to admit thirty reception children each year. North Northamptonshire Council are responsible for the admissions procedures.

In Year Admissions

North Northamptonshire Council are responsible for the admissions procedure and families should apply directly to the Local Authority.  Admission may be granted if there is a space in the appropriate year group.

Children with an EHC Plan apply by a separate process –details of which are on the NNC website below.

Families are always welcome to come and visit our school prior to or at any point during the admissions procedure.  Please contact the school office on 01536 742201 to arrange a visit.

Please visit the Admissions page on North Northamptonshire Council’s website using the button below.

Contact details
  • 01536 742201
  • Wood Street, Geddington, NN14 1BG
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.