Our Curriculum

Geddington C of E Primary School follows the National Curriculum as required of all schools in Local Authority control. We use this as a foundation on which to build a broad and balanced curriculum that aims to live a full and happy life. This is defined by the main drivers of our vision as life long learning; having healthy minds and bodies; helping others; looking after the World and Experiencing wonder.

Our curriculum is arranged around topics and children build their knowledge across a range of subjects as they progress through a topic. Where curriculum subjects do not fit comfortably within the topic they will be taught discretely to ensure high standards are maintained at all times.

Children with disabilities will be supported to access all areas of the curriculum through adaptation, scaffolding and any additional support we deem appropriate. We continuously monitor and improve our practice to ensure all children recieve the best education possible. 

More detailed information can be found by clicking on the links below. 

Early Years Foundation Stage

Children in our Reception Class follow The Foundation Stage Curriculum and will work towards The Early Learning Goals, which establish expectations for most children to achieve by the end of the Foundation Stage (i.e. by the end of the reception year).

Much of the Early Years Curriculum is delivered through structured play, both indoors and outdoors, where learning objectives have been clearly defined.

More information on the foundation stage curriculum can be found here

English and Maths

Phonics and Early Reading

We use Read Write Inc as our recognised scheme for teaching phonics. This is a systematic, synthetic phonics programme in which children will learn to read using books that have been specifically written to go alongside the scheme and match the sounds they are learning in class. Families can click this link for further information.


At Geddington School we use carefully chosen, high quality texts to develop our children's comprehension abilities. We do this by explicitly teaching the comprehension strands as well as supporting all students to become passionate and enthusiastic readers. We supplement our reading programme with Accelerated Reader, an online system which supports children's reading through targetted texts and short quizzes.


We use the mastery approach to teaching mathematics to ensure that all learners learn and enjoy maths. We ensure children are fluent in key number facts and structure our approach to teaching so that children build confidence in thinking deeply about mathematical concepts and problems. We use White Rose resources to facilitate this approach. 


At Geddington School we set homework weekly to support students in their English and Maths. We also have option extended learning activities for our topic work whcih children are welcome to complete and to bring into school. Homework expectations will be set out by the class teacher at the beginning of the year; the grid below outlines the expectation for the whole school.

Curriculum Plans

To see more detailed curriculum plans please click on the relevant class name:

Our school's Music Development Plan can be found here.

Contact details
  • 01536 742201
  • Wood Street, Geddington, NN14 1BG
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.