Religions and Worldviews

"Religious Education teaches you to respect other religions." - Eloise, Class 6

At Geddington we use RE lessons to meet our vision for all children to reach their God-given potential so that they can experience ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). We believe that a high quality education allows children to access all the joy that life has to offer.

In Religious Education this means that children are provided with regular opportunities, through learning and discussion, to understand themselves as spiritual individuals. They are encouraged to value their own opinions and beliefs, whilst developing respect and sensitivity for the views of others. Pupils are encouraged to understand the importance of the role that each individual has to play in the life of the school and of the wider community. Links are made with a variety of faith and worldview groups to help with this and learning is continually underpinned by our school’s Christian values.

Our school's RE Policy can be found here.

RE Curriculum

Reception and Key Stage 1

Lower Key Stage 2

Upper Key Stage 2

Contact details
  • 01536 742201
  • Wood Street, Geddington, NN14 1BG
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.