School Governors

Geddington C of E Primary School Governing Body
Governor Governor Type Term Start Term End Appointed
Recorded Pecuniary
Interests 2023-2024
Personal Relationship
with staff/pupils
Mr James Sherlock Head 01.09.21 N/A Governing Body Wife works for teaching agency sometimes used by the school No
Mr Ken Hennah Co-Opted 16.09.21 15.09.25 Governing Body None No
Ms Siobhan Sheridan Co-Opted 16.09.21 15.09.25 Governing Body None No
Mr Dino Di Salvo Parent 24.11.22 23.11.26 Parent Elected None Yes-pupil(s)
Mr David Lomasney Co-Opted 12.11.20 11.11.24 Governing Body Governor of another school & Trustee of Youth Works Northamptonshire No
Vacancy Parent 13.03.25 12.03.29 Parent Elected None Yes-pupil(s)
Mr James Mclean Co-Opted 16.09.21 15.09.25 Parent Elected None No
Mrs Rebecca Willis Staff 08.06.23 07.06.27 Staff Elected None No
Revd. Gillian Gamble Foundation 21.03.23 20.03.27 Diocese Partners company designed and maintains the school website No
Mrs Flora Scott Foundation 09.10.23 08.10.27 Diocese None No
Mrs Jana Batchelor Foundation 24.02.22 23.02.26 Diocese None Yes-pupil(s)
Mr Nick Wesley Local Authority 30.01.25 29.01.29 Local Authority None Yes-pupil(s)
Mrs Penny Sim-Jones Associate Member N/A N/A Governing Body School Business Manager No
Mrs Louise Hunt Associate Member N/A N/A Governing Body Deputy Headteacher No
Mrs Kay Jones Clerk N/A N/A Governing Body Self employed Clerk for 5 other schools No

Two Governor's have a role in another educational institution

Individual Governor Roles

  • Chair:

    Mrs Siobhan Sheridan

  • Vice:
    Mr James Mclean
  • Lead Finance Governor:
    Mr James Mclean
  • Safeguarding Governor :

    Mrs Emma Groom

  • Lead Premises Governor:
    Mr Jack Harker
  • Lead Governor for SEND, Data and Curriculum:

    Mr David Lomasney

Governor Profiles

Governor Attendance Register 2021 - 22

Governor Attendance Register 2022 - 23

Governor Attendance Register 2023 - 24

Financial Information

The Governors have a responsibility to set an annual budget and ensure that the money the school receives is spent as effectively as possible to the benefit of the pupils who attend the school. The minutes to Governor Body meetings are a matter of public record.

The way a school uses its budget can be compared to other schools using the Government’s School Financial Bench Marking service which can be accessed by clicking the link.

Schools are required to publish how many employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more. At Geddington there are no employees who fall into this category.

Contact details
  • 01536 742201
  • Wood Street, Geddington, NN14 1BG
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.